© Morten Kundsen / Visit Hardangerfjord
Form results: Destination: People: 1 Start: 2025-01-25 End: 2026-01-25 Product type: everything
""" {\n \t\t"fromDate": "2025-01-25",\n \t\t"toDate": "2026-01-25",\n \t\t"travelerGroups": [\n \t\t\t{\n \t\t\t\t"adults": 1\n \t\t\t}\n \t\t],\n \t\t"destinationId": null,\n \t\t"productIds": null\n \t} """
array:34 [ 0 => array:20 [ "productId" => 1201 "name" => "Eidfjord Rundfahrt mit der Trollbahn" "label" => null "shortDescription" => "Der Trollzug, der auf Rädern fährt, bietet eine 50-minütige Tour durch das Dorf Eidfjord" "externalUrl" => null "productType" => "Activity" "slug" => null "previewImage" => array:7 [ "url" => "https://res.cloudinary.com/dccjmdi4t/image/upload/v1709549003/Trolltoget/01_Ewa_Serwicka_rjlqla.jpg" "alt" => "Rot-grüner Minizug auf Rädern (der Trolltrain), geparkt in Eidfjord." 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