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array:1 [ 0 => array:20 [ "productId" => 1303 "name" => "Hardanger Bridge viewpoint" "label" => null "shortDescription" => "Enjoy a stunning view of one of the longest suspension bridges in the world" "externalUrl" => null "productType" => "Package" "slug" => null "previewImage" => array:7 [ "url" => "https://res.cloudinary.com/dccjmdi4t/image/upload/v1709304092/Skyss/01_Visit_Hardangerfjord_ip4gpa.jpg" "alt" => "Aerial view of Hardanger bridge - suspension bridge with Bu viewpoint in the foreground and several cars and campervans parked in the parking." "title" => "" "description" => "" "credit" => "© Visit Hardangerfjord" "focus" => array:2 [ "x" => -0.23906707231912 "y" => 0.05267245011844 ] "order" => 0 ] "startLocation" => null "primaryDestination" => null "difficultyLevel" => null "firstInstanceDate" => null "lastInstanceDate" => null "fromPrice" => 0 "currency" => "NOK" "durationInMinutes" => null "fromPrices" => [] "storedFromPriceIncVat" => null "productTags" => [] "tags" => [] ] ]